After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
Help me keep this page complete and up to date, by
reporting any corrections needed or suggesting farms to add!
My Christmas Tree guide has photos and descriptions of
more than 2 dozen varieties of Christmas trees, along with a simple comparison chart!
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
- If the name of the farm is blue with an underline; that's a link to their website or Facebook page. Click on it for the most current hours and information.
- ALWAYS email or call the farm or store BEFORE YOU GO
- many farms have closed in the past year, and of course, we won't know until the season starts and we find they aren't open! Call to confirm their supply, their hours
and whether they have trees, are allowing choose-and-cut or just precut trees; and which attractions or winter activities are available.
All three can change during the short Christmas season, due to weather, demand and the farmer's business conditions! Farms get sold, shut down or run out of trees, and they don't all update me every day, let alone every year. For
more tips to make your trip fun and successful, click here
DON'T DRIVE OUT THERE IF YOU CAN'T REACH THEM (by phone, email or find current information on their website or Facebook page!
- And please tell the farmer you visit in Italy - Italia that you found their farm
here! I need the farmers to realize that you found them here so that they will keep their information up to date!
If you want to provide feedback about a farm or the website
, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more. After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
Looking for more info?
Updates for January 2025
January 2025:
After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
In March, you'll want to take your children to a free Easter egg hunt
see our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt - (
. It's the ONLY website that is updated every Easter for all Easter Egg hunts in
the U.S.
Christmas tree farms, lots and activities, sorted by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
There are few Christmas tree farms in Italy open to retail couistomers. At least, I have not been
able to find a single one as yet. Most Christmas trees are sold in market stalls and typically sell for €50
to €140. Most towns erect a large Christmas tree in their square.
Ikea stores usually sell small real trees for €15 as well as a variety of artificial trees.
Other tree sales:
- Fattoria del legno -
strada silvopastorale
delle Pianezze km 0.300, Caltrano 36030. Phone: +39 328 848 8222. Email: [email protected].
- Fleur Garden -
Viale di Trastevere 193.
Viale Guglielmo Marconi 698.
In the
Trastevere and Marconi areas
- Garden 3 Fontane -
Via Laurentina 90, EUR district,
- La Fattoria dell'Abete -
Indipendeza, Lugano. Phone: +41 79 951 63 07. Email:
[email protected]. The "Fir" Farm has
been successfully selling Christmas trees (Nordmannian Spruce) from sustainable forestry in Ticino for 9
years . Visit one of our stores with your family and choose your Christmas tree from among those on
display, in a Christmas atmosphere. Each store is accompanied by an oversized 8 meter inflatable Santa
Claus. With our beautiful Christmas trees. Three locations:
LUGANO - You can find us in Piazza
AGNO - You will find us on the Regina street
SERFONTANA - You will find us in
Serfontana near the shopping centers.
Look for our large 8 meter inflatable Santa Claus!
- Natural Green -
Via di Villa Betania 7, Villa Pamphilj.
- Original Schludernser Weihnachtsb�ume Alberi di natale -
Via Merano, 21, 39020 Sluderno BZ, Schluderns, South Tyrol, Italy. Phone: +39 335 543 8006. Email:
[email protected]. Weihnachtsb�ume: Vom 1.Dezember bis
zum 24. Dezember ist unser Weihnachtsbaumstandl an der Vinschgauer Hauptstrasse am Bahnhof in Spondinig,
t�glich von 10.00 bis 19.00 Uhr ge�ffnet. An den Wochenden, Samstagen und Sonntagen sind wir schon ein
halbe Stunde fr�her offen. Am 24. Dezember sind wir f�r die letzten Verzweifelten von 10.00 bis 13.00
Uhr ge�ffnet. Wir verkaufen Nordmanntannen, Korktannen, Koreatannen und Blaufichten.
Related events:
- Cascina Pezzoli Natale in fattoria - Santa
Cascina Pezzoli, Via Milano 69 / D,Treviglio (BG). Email: [email protected]. Phone: 348 611 4756. Open:
12.00 - 20.00. Christmas on the farm from November 23rd to December 22nd on the weekends: a magical path
to meeting with Santa's meeting , accompanied by his elves. The children, together with their parents,
enter a magical path where they live, thanks to the help of the Santa Claus Elves, a magical adventure.
Families are welcomed in the farmyard by the Chief Elf and his helpers, first in the Make-up area and
then for the reading of the "magical Christmas tale" and in the staging of the elven dance that leads
them to begin the journey of the Christmas workshopsuntil the meeting with Santa Claus himself !
accompagnati, con i vostri bambini, in un percorso a tappe ricco di attività che vi trasporteranno in un
ambiente unico e speciale come la fattoria per vivere a pieno l' atmosfera del vero Natale di una volta.
Gli elfi vi assisteranno nei vari laboratori di trucco, sartoria e cucina per trasformarvi in veri
elfi e preparare la pozione dei talenti per le renne e poi via!! Nella biblioteca per realizzare la
vostra letterina e accompagnarvi nell'area Giochi di una volta, fino al tanto atteso incontro con Babbo
Natale in persona!
Per tutti i partecipanti, oltre al percorso, è prevista la visita guidata alle
mucche con elfo Coco, la visita agli animali della fattoria e la visita ai mezzi di trasporto di Babbo