How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas TreesWhere and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Ontario after Christmas 2024 and in January 2025

How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to be acceptable by your garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific information and local links.

What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch which is usually made available, free to city or county residents. Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a chimney fire.

Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is Grinding Christmas trees into mulchnot specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!

Related information:

See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

If it has just snowed; see this page about how to make snocones from real snow! Your kids will love it!

Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!

See our easy recipes to make a Chocolate Yule log and click here to make your own low-fat, low calorie but delicious Egg Nog ! Then come back to our other website in March to find a local Easter Egg Hunt for your children ! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Ontario: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025

Local municipality tree recycling Information

I'm working on this now! If you have any links to city or other local Christmas tree recycling, curbside pickup, etc., please let me know! 

Click here to write to me!


  • Durham - curbside Christmas tree collection in January
    Whitby, Ontario. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 905-697-5300. Phone: 800-667-5671. Durham Region collects natural Christmas trees curbside after the holidays each year. Natural Christmas trees will be composted with leaf and yard waste.
    Ajax and Pickering: Christmas tree collection will be on regular collection days during the first and second full weeks in January only.
    Brock, Clarington, Scugog and Uxbridge: Christmas tree collection will take place on the first and second Monday after New Year's day in January only.
    Oshawa and Whitby: Residents should refer to their municipal waste collection calendar for their scheduled collection date or contact their local municipality for more information.
    Unfavourable weather conditions may delay collection; please leave trees out for collection on your scheduled date. Residents are encouraged to sign up for weekly reminders and service alerts by downloading the Durham Region Waste App or visiting
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    All tinsel, decorations, wire, plastic bags, lights, tree skirts, nails and stands must be removed from the tree.
    Trees must be set out by 7 a.m. on your collection day, but no earlier than 7 p.m. the evening before your collection day.
    Trees set out in plastic bags will not be collected.
    There is no limit to the number of trees collected per household.
    Trees exceeding three metres (10 feet) must be cut in half for collection.
    Please ensure trees are not buried in snowbanks or frozen to the ground.
    Do not place Christmas trees on top of, or behind snowbanks; ensure the tree is fully accessible for collection.
    For more information, visit, or download the Durham Region Waste App.
  • Hamilton -
    There's no info on their website yet. See their Recycle Coach app.

  • London, City of - From 2020 forward, there is no curbside collection of Christmas trees in the city of London, done to save money.
    Now you must drop off your tree and any greenery at a City of London EnviroDepot. If you have space, you can also store your tree in your backyard. Your tree will become a habitat for birds. Wait until spring and place your tree and greenery out for Yard Waste Collection in the new year (only trees up to three meters in height will be collected).
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    Please remove all of your decorations and lights from your tree before visiting.
    The city's EnviroDepots are open on Wednesdays and Saturdays, they typically also add 3 additional drop-off days for Christmas trees, usually a few dates between December 28th and January 11th, all from 12 pm to 5:00 p.m.
    Visit the EnviroDepot webpage for locations and regular winter hours of operation.
  • Meaford - Drop-off only, There is no curbside collection for Christmas trees
    2 locations:
    Operations Center
    157859 7th Line, Meaford
    Sydenham Center
    458372 Grey County Rd 11
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands and plastic bags from Christmas trees prior to drop-off.
  • Mississauga -
    Trees are usually collected during the second and third weeks of January on regular recycling days. If your tree is taller than 10 feet, please cut it in half.
    If you live in a condo or apartment and are wondering what to do with your real Christmas tree, please contact your property management company for guidance.
  • Newmarket -  Christmas tree collection will take place during the first and third weeks in January on your designated collection day.
    Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4X7. Phone: 866-421-5625. Email: [email protected].. .
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    Place tree at the curb no later than 7 a.m.
    Remove all nails and decorations (ornaments, tinsel, lights, etc.) prior to collection.
    Remove tree stands and bags.
    Do not place Christmas trees on top of, inside or behind a snowbank. Collection staff will not dig through snow or climb a snowbank to retrieve a tree.
    Trees must not be greater than 1.8 metres (6 feet) in height; cut in two if tree exceeds this height.
    If you have a Christmas tree for disposal after your scheduled collection day, please keep your tree until yard waste collection begins in the spring.
    Drop-off -
    Alternatively, Stripped real trees can be taken to a York Region waste depot that accepts yard waste (fees apply).
    Artificial trees:
    Artificial trees are not collected. Please visit the Large Item Collection page on the Newmarket website for disposal information.
  • Niagara - Christmas tree curbside collection during the second and third full weeks in January ( the second full week after New Year's Day)
    Phone: Call 905-356-4141 . Phone: 800-594-5542.
    Christmas tree collection is on your regular Niagara collection day during the the first full week after New Year's Day
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    Trees must be at the curb by 7 a.m. with all ornaments and decorations removed. Trees wrapped in plastic or buried in snow will not be collected. No artificial trees.
    Artificial trees are not collected. Use the Niagara large item collection service to dispose of artificial trees.
    Remove all Christmas decorations (bulbs, tinsel, lights, etc.) before collection
    Don't place Christmas trees on top of or inside a snow bank. This may cause injury to collection staff when trying to remove it.
    Don't place tree inside a bag as it creates a problem when chipping the trees
    Winter weather may delay pick-up
    Weather conditions may delay collection. Leave your Christmas tree at the end of the driveway and it will be collected.
    Drop-off -
    Residents can also take Stripped Christmas trees to a Niagara drop-off depot or landfill site
    Christmas trees can also be dropped off at any landfill site free of charge.
  • Northumberland County - Christmas Tree Collection and drop-off
    Call the Municipality to which you pay taxes to, to enquire about Christmas tree collection in your area, or check your newspaper for details.
    Stripped Christmas trees can also be disposed of at any Community Recycling Centre as Leaf and Yard Waste.
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands and plastic bags from Christmas trees prior to collection.
    Ensure trees do not become stuck or frozen in snow banks.
  • Oshawa - Christmas tree pick-up begins about the second week in January. 
  • Ottawa, City of - Curbside Christmas tree collection every week in January on your regular collection day
    Phone: 3-1-1. Phone: 613-580-2400.
    Christmas trees will be collected on the same day as the green bin. Please remove all decorations and place it at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day. Trees will not be collected if wrapped in plastic bags or if frozen in snow banks.The City would like to remind residents that there is NO collection of green bin, recycling and garbage on statutory holidays.
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands and plastic bags from Christmas trees prior to collection.
    Ensure trees do not become stuck or frozen in snow banks.
  • Peel Region -
    check their website for this year's info
  • Peterborough - Christmas Tree Curbside Collection
    Phone: 705-742-7777 ext. 2900.
    Collection occurs throughout the month of January (weather dependent). Please do not call for collection.
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    >Remove all tree decorations
    Make sure the tree is clearly visible at the curb
    Trees will be composted and will not be picked up if in a tree bag.
    Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands and plastic bags from Christmas trees prior to collection.
    Please ensure trees do not become stuck or frozen in snow banks.
    If your garbage isn't collected or if you have other issues with curbside collection, please contact Public Works at 705-745-1386.
  • Richmond Hill - Christmas trees will be collected during the first 2 full weeks in January, on your regular waste collection day
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    >Maximum height 2.1 m (7').
    Remove all decorations and nails.
    Trees must not be bagged.
    Place trees at the curb by 7 a.m.
    Ensure that trees are not frozen to the ground or on high snow banks.
    Richmond Hill residents can also drop off their Christmas tree at the Bloomington Yard Waste Depot located at 1351 Bloomington Road, Richmond Hill. Fees apply. Visit York Waste for details.Fees apply for drop-off.
  • St, Thomas - Christmas Tree Curbside Collection
    Trees will be shredded into wood chips and used as compost and mulch to nourish and insulate plants and trees.
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    >Please take your natural Christmas tree to the curb by 7:00am on the Monday of the designated collection weeks.
    Remove all decorations, lights, wire, tree skirts, stands and nails
    Christmas trees larger than 2.13 m. (7 ft.) cannot fit into our collection vehicles and are required to be cut in half
    Christmas trees buried in, on top of or behind snow banks may not get collected - ensure tree is fully accessible for collection
     Do not place trees on the road, as it may pose a hazard to vehicular traffic
    If you forgot to put your Christmas Tree out for Collection or missed your Christmas tree collection, you can take your Christmas tree to the Community Recycling Centre during operating hours.
    Part time hours: Wednesdays 8am-4:30pm
    Saturday 8am-3pm
  • Sudbury -  curbside collection, drop-off
    Curbside collection -  Residents can place natural Christmas trees at the roadside for collection on their regularly scheduled household collection day.  Please ensure trees do not become stuck or frozen in snow banks.  Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands, plastic bags or any other wrapping used to transport the tree to your roadside.
    Weekly collection is available for low density residential homes (six units or less) who are part of the roadside collection program.
    If you reside in any other type of property, contact your property owner for disposal options.
    Place your natural Christmas Tree at the roadside anytime after 8:00 p.m. the evening prior to your collection day and no later than 7:00 a.m. on your collection day.
    Drop off this item for diversion. Call 3-1-1 or visit their website for more information about applicable fees.
    Sudbury Landfill & Waste Diversion Site, 2870 The Kingsway, Sudbury ON 311
    Hanmer (Valley East) Landfill & Waste Diversion Site, Gravel Drive on Landfill Site Road, Hanmer ON 311
    Walden Small Vehicle Transfer Site, off Old Highway 17 West on McCharles Lake Road 311
    Azilda (Rayside-Balfour) Landfill & Waste Diversion Site, off Highway 144 on Montee Rouleau, Azilda ON 311
  • Toronto - Toronto has curbside collection, drop-off and Spring Yard Waste collection
    In all cases, be sure to remove Tree bags, Tinsel, Ornaments, Nails, Tree skirts, Stands etc.
    1. Specific curbside collection days for natural Christmas trees in January, refer to your collection calendar for specific dates.Contact 311 to report a missed Christmas tree collection. Please note that you must report a Christmas tree not picked-up within 2 business days of the scheduled collection day. Christmas trees are collected in separate trucks so that they can be processed and composted. Christmas trees are taken to transfer stations, chipped and used internally by City divisions. The wood chips are not available to the public.
    2. Drop-off - Trees can be dropped off at a Drop-Off Depot that accepts yard waste.
    3. Spring Yard Waste - If you have a Christmas tree for disposal after the scheduled collection day, please keep your tree until yard waste collection begins in the spring.
    See their website for information about collection in snow, Night-time collection, Multi-residential FEL properties receiving garbage collection, Curbside collection for Multi-residential properties receiving curbside collection will receive Christmas tree collection etc.
  • Vaughan -
    check their website for this year's info
  • Windsor Christmas Tree Recycling - curbside collection
    Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-974-2277 ext. 3121.Email: [email protected]. If you require a new collection calendar for this year, or if you have any questions about Christmas tree/yard waste collection, call 311 or view the collection calendar online. Trees are shredded into wood chips.
    Curbside collection Requirements:
    • Remove all tree decorations
    • Make sure the tree is clearly visible at the curb
    • Trees will be composted and will not be picked up if in a tree bag.
    • Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands and plastic bags from Christmas trees prior to collection.
    • Please ensure trees do not become stuck or frozen in snow banks..
    • Look for the Christmas tree symbol in your waste collection calendar for your Christmas tree/yard waste collection day. Your collection day will be in January.
    • Have Christmas trees and Yard Waste placed at your curb by 6:00 a.m. for collection.
    • Trees longer than 1.8 metres (6 feet) must be cut in half so that they fit in the truck.
    • Do not use plastic fake snow on your tree; your tree cannot be recycled/shredded with this.
    • Avoid using a plastic tree bag. If you do place your tree in a plastic bag to bring your tree to the curb, remove it and throw it in the garbage.
    • Bundle loose branches (no longer than 4 feet/1.2 metres) and cedar roping and place beside your Christmas tree.
    • Take your tree to the curb only on your special collection day as they sometimes become frozen to a snow bank or on the ground.
    • Leaves and other yard waste left over from the fall can also be placed out for collection on your designated Christmas tree pickup day. To increase collection efficiency, please put trees and yard waste at a common location with an adjacent neighbour, away from parked cars.

    Public Works, Environmental Division 3540 North Service Road East
    Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8W 5X2


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