After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
Help me keep this page complete and up to date, by
reporting any corrections needed or suggesting farms to add!
My Christmas Tree guide has photos and descriptions of
more than 2 dozen varieties of Christmas trees, along with a simple comparison chart!
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
- If the name of the farm is blue with an underline; that's a link to their website or Facebook page. Click on it for the most current hours and information.
- ALWAYS email or call the farm or store BEFORE YOU GO
- many farms have closed in the past year, and of course, we won't know until the season starts and we find they aren't open! Call to confirm their supply, their hours
and whether they have trees, are allowing choose-and-cut or just precut trees; and which attractions or winter activities are available.
All three can change during the short Christmas season, due to weather, demand and the farmer's business conditions! Farms get sold, shut down or run out of trees, and they don't all update me every day, let alone every year. For
more tips to make your trip fun and successful, click here
DON'T DRIVE OUT THERE IF YOU CAN'T REACH THEM (by phone, email or find current information on their website or Facebook page!
- And please tell the farmer you visit in Middlesex County, Connecticut that you found their farm
here! I need the farmers to realize that you found them here so that they will keep their information up to date!
If you want to provide feedback about a farm or the website
, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more. After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
Looking for more info?
Updates for February 2025
February 2025:
After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
In March, you'll want to take your children to a free Easter egg hunt
see our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt - (
. It's the ONLY website that is updated every Easter for all Easter Egg hunts in
the U.S.
Christmas tree farms, lots and activities, sorted by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Middlesex County
- Allegra Farm - sleigh rides (no trees!)
East Haddam, Connecticut. Phone: 860-680-5149.
Alternate phone: 860-537-8861. Open: Call for dates and
availability - it depends upon the weather. There is nothing so enchanting as the sound of sleigh bells and the whisper of runners on fresh snow! Have a
Courrier and Ivess experience as you bundle up in your lap robes and hand muffs, and let the sleigh take you from this bustling century to a more tranquil time. Bring your own refreshments to warm your body and spirit. For more information, see these pages: Carriage rides,
Sleigh rides
, Weddings
, Horse-drawn funerals
, Movies and props
, Carriages.
- Bald Hill Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed, gift shop
131 Great Hill Road, Portland, CT 06480. Phone: 860-342-2117.
- Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree Farm -
trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas wreaths, Christmas
decorations, trees baled, saws provided, winter hay rides, free
hot chocolate, gift shop, Santa visits
167 Wopowog Rd, East Hampton, CT
06424. Phone: (860) 267-8880. Email:
[email protected]. Open: We open the day
after Thanksgiving. Open:
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Directions: From Middletown, route 66 to route 16, right
at 2nd light, 2 miles down on right. From East Haddam, route 151
to route 196, right on Wopowog Road, 2 miles in on left. From
Glastonbury, route 2, exit 13, right on route 66, left at lake
on route 196, left in center of town, 4 miles straight on right.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Charlie Brown's is a family owned choose and cut Christmas tree
farm providing memorable family experiences. We provide quality
Christmas trees, hand decorated wreaths, a variety of ornaments
as well as offer a warm and toasty log cabin. We open the day
after Thanksgiving and are a cash/check only establishment. See
their facebook page for dates and times of Santa visits.
Christmas tree varieties:
U-Choose and Cut varieties: Blue
Spruce, Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, White Pine, White Spruce.
(UPDATED: November 09, 2018)
- Christmas Acres Tree Farm - Christmas
trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas wreaths, saws provided, free
hot cider,
67 Kelseytown Road, Clinton, CT 06413. Phone:
860-575-4624. Alternate Phone: 860-664-4609. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Thanksgiving weekend to Christmas.
Directions: I-95 to exit 63. Route 81 to Glenwood Road. At third
stop sign, turn right. Farm is located approximately 1 mile on the
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash, Check.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Balsam Fir,
Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Scotch Pine, White Fir (Concolor Fir),
White Spruce.
- Connwood Foresters, Inc.
- Choose and cut Christmas Trees
39 Cherry Hill Road, Rockfall, CT 06481. Phone: 860-349-9910.
Open: weekends from 10 am to 4:30 pm on weekends between Thanksgiving
and Christmas. Directions:
Directions to Wadsworth Falls.
In 2018, their website says (Prices may have changed!) $30 to $50 for trees Payment: Cash or Check. You
can cut your own or we'll do it for you. Decorate your own
wreath for $15. Crafts and locally made products are also for
(UPDATED: December 08, 2018, by JBS)
- Dolan's Christmas Tree Farm
- Christmas trees-you choose
and you cut, saws are provided
Kelseytown Road, Clinton, CT 06413. Phone: 860-669-5049. Email:
[email protected]. Open: See our website for hours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Directions: From Connecticut Turnpike: Clinton exit 63 onto Route
81.From Saybrook, turn right off connector onto Route 81, and at
next light turn left onto Glenwood Road (across from commuter
parking lot), proceed to third stop sign (next to firehouse), turn
right and come straight for 1.2 miles to second tree farm on left.
Driveway is on the right between the old red Cape farmhouse and the
barn. Parking is in front of the stone wall, or in the yard. From
Madison, take exit 63, left off the connector to light, turn left
again to next light, and make immediate right onto Glenwood Road,
and follow the instructions above..
Payment: Cash, only. We grow the traditional Christmas
tree---the short needle White Spruce. All trees, regardless of size,
are one price--(Prices may have changed!) $40, the same as previous years.
Christmas tree
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: White Spruce.
NOTE: I replaced the link to their website with their Facebook
page in December 2018 - Norton AV identified it as malware.
- Dumas Christmas Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees
190 Little Lane, Durham, CT 06422. Phone: (860) 685-1678. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
from Friday after Thanksgiving
at 9 am to 4:30 pm, then that Saturday and Sunday as well, 9 to
4:30 pm; Hours the following week are 12 pm to 4:30 pm on
Thursday and Friday, 9 am to 4:30 pm Saturday and Sunday.
- Hale Hill Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed, gift shop,
815 Glastonbury Tpk., Portland, CT 06480. Phone:
203-488-8780. Email:
[email protected]. Open: see the Hale Hill Tree Farm Facebook page.
- Hazen Christmas Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed
166 Lake Drive, East Hampton, CT 06424. Phone: 860-267-4159.
[email protected]. Open: starting on Black Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm, then Saturday and Sundays from 8 am to 4:30 pm until sold out. We offer cut your own white spruce
for (Prices may have changed!) $48 including tax (2018). They are beautiful trees and a
great deal. Enjoy the experience with your family this year and
cut down your own tree for the holiday season.
(UPDATED: December 13, 2020 JBS)
- Herzig Family Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed, saws
are provided, Restrooms available, free tree wrapping
310 Maiden Lane, Durham, CT 06422. Phone: 860-349-1275. Phone: 860-349-3373.
[email protected].
Open: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; Starting November
23rd thru Sunday December 16th on Thursday and Friday in
December 1 pm to 5 pm; Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 5 pm. Directions : Herzig Family Tree Farm is located on Maiden
Lane in Durham, 1 1/4 miles off Main Street (Route 17). Follow
the signs. This is a small family business offering personal and
friendly service. You choose and we will do the rest. Cut,
Carry, Net and Tie. Free candy canes and stickers for the kids.
- Do the Hill! Payment: Cash or Check ONLY .
Christmas tree
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: White Spruce, Blue
- Indian Hill BrookTree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed
614 Bow Lane, Middletown, CT 06457. Phone: 860-346-4680. Phone: 860-346-0710.
Joe's Christmas Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs,
Christmas decorations, trees bagged, trees tied, saws provided, bonfires, free hot chocolate,
Plains Road, Deep River, CT 06417. Phone: (860) 388-8103.
Alternate Phone: (860) 388-8104. Email:
[email protected].
Open: Opening day the Friday after Thanksgiving from 12 pm to 5 pm; Thereafter the hours are Wednesday through Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm; We close Christmas Eve
at 2 pm. Directions: 1 mile west of exit 5 off Route 9 on Route 80. Take a right onto Bahr Road and a left onto Plains Road. Joe's is half a mile down on
the left. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Venmo.
Click here for our Instagram page. Joe's Tree Farm is a family-run business. Joe Miezejeski began selling his field-grown trees in the early 70s and it
has grown to become a favorite tradition for families from as far away as New York and Florida. Many customers came as children and now come with their own
children to choose from the best-kept trees in Connecticut. Alan, Joe's youngest son, has worked alongside his father since the late '90s and now has
ownership and will continue Joe's legacy.
Christmas tree varieties:
U-Choose and Cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Black Hills Spruce, Blue Spruce, Canaan
Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Spruce.
You Choose and We cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Black Hills
Spruce, Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir).
(UPDATED: November
11, 2022)
- Kelsey's Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed
299 Cox Road, Portland, CT 06480. Phone: 860-342-2117.
- Lost Spring Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed,
Saw are provided, Tree wrapping
26 Daly Road, East Hampton, CT 06424. Phone: 860-267-9644.
[email protected]. Open: Saturdays and Sundays 9 am till Dark. Directions: From Route 66: to Route 196 in East
Hampton. Turn onto Route 196 and go 1/2 mile to Flanders Road on
Left. Turn onto Flanders Road and stay on it till end. Turn right
onto Daly Road, farm is on left. From Route 16: to Smith Street.
Follow Smith Street till end. Turn right onto Flanders Road and stay
on it till end. Turn right onto Daly Road, farm is on left.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties:
White Spruce, Douglas Fir; Blue Spruce, some Fraser Fir
- Miller Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed, gift shop, Saws are provided, Restrooms, tree wrapping available,
Tri Mountain Road, Durham, CT 06422. Phone: 860-349-9511. Open:
Thanksgiving to Christmas Please Call or Check the
Miller Tree farm Facebook Page for Daily Hours. Directions : 91 to Exit 15 Durham/Yalesville.
Take Route 68 East towards Durham
approximately 5 miles, take
right onto Pent Road. At end of Pent Road take a right onto Tri
Mountain Road. Farm is 1.5 miles down Tri Mountain Road.
Payment: Cash and Check Only. Wreaths, decorated wreaths and
sprays, roping, ornaments, tree stands, and tree waterers.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Frasier Fir, Cannan Fir, Blue Spruce, & Norway Spruce.
- Negrelli Tree Farm - Choose & Cut your Own Christmas
42 Morris Hubbard Road,
Higganum, CT 06441. Phone: 860-345-8060. Email:
[email protected].
Directions : Route 81, 97 Brault Hill Road.
Open: First from the weekend in December, Monday thru Friday 3 pm to Dark;
Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 4 PM.
- Oak Ridge Tree Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed, Saws are provided, restrooms, Tree wrapping
Coleman Road, Middletown, CT 06457. Phone: 203-453-0030.
[email protected]. . Open: Saturday before Thanksgiving at
10 am, then after Thanksgiving Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
12 pm to 4 PM; Saturday and Sunday 9 AM to 4:30 PM.
Directions : Farm located just off (east of) Route 17 halfway
between Middletown and Durham. Entrance at 400 Coleman Road, Middletown. Look for road signs. No Dogs allowed.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Fraser Fir; Douglas Fir;
Blue Spruce, some Concolor Fir, Balsam Fir
Precut varieties:
Douglas Fir; Colorado Blue Spruce
- Old Purple Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed
31 So. Main Street, East Hampton, CT 06424. Phone: 860-267-8527. Email:
[email protected].
Peaceful Hill Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs,
mistletoe, Christmas decorations, trees tied, tree shaking provided, trees baled, free tree trimmings, saws
provided, bonfires, free hot chocolate, gift shop, concessions or refreshment stand, porta-potties, school tours
118 Clark Hill Rd, East Hampton, CT 06424. Phone: (860) 267-4341. Email:
[email protected].
Open: the weekend before Thanksgiving until Christmas as well as Black Friday; All weekends are 10 am to 4; Please
call with any questions. Directions: Located on Clark Hill Road in East Hampton CT.
Click here for a map and
directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, ApplePay, Venmo.
Peaceful Hill Tree Farm Facebook page. Photography passes available; please call or message us on Facebook for
more information! Leashed dogs are allowed.
Christmas tree varieties:
U-Choose and Cut varieties: Balsam Fir,
Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, Grand Fir, Noble Fir, Nordmann Fir, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Pine, White Spruce, and
other varieties (call!).
(UPDATED: November 24, 2024)
Schrempps Tree Farm
- Christmas trees-you choose and you
cut, Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs, garlands, Santa visits
, Christmas decorations, trees tied, tree shaking
provided, trees baled, free tree trimmings, saws provided, restrooms
59 Cowhill Road, Clinton, CT 06413. Phone: (860) 575-8092. Phone: 860-227-2950 . Email:
[email protected]. Open: Monday to Friday 10 am to
Dusk Saturday to Sunday 8 am to Dusk; and close December 24. Directions: From the West (New
Haven) I-95 N toward New London Take exit 63 toward Clinton/CT-81
(0.2 mi) Turn left at N High Street (184 ft) Turn left at CT-81/High
Street (signs for Killingworth/Haddam/CT-81) Continue to follow
CT-81 (0.5 mi) Turn left at Walnut Hill Road (0.4 mi) Sharp left at
Cow Hill Road (0.5 mi) Tree Farm will be on your right.
Click here for a map and directions.
Open the day after
Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve. Payment:
Cash, only. No tagging. Come on over and walk our gorgeous fields
with thousands of beautiful Christmas trees. Choose your perfect
tree. Cut it down and take it home. We will even wrap the trees
up so it is easier for you to get it home and in the stand. Come
and see us!
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor
Fir), Fraser Fir, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Spruce.
Scott's Farm Store -
Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, Precut Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, garlands,
mistletoe, Christmas decorations, trees bagged, trees tied, free hot cider,
356 Middlesex Turnpike, Old Saybrook, CT 06475. Phone: (860) 388-1751. Open:
starting on Black Friday we are open 7 days a week, from 9 am to 6 pm; (we close for the season earlier if we sell out of Christmas trees). Directions: 95
North- take Exit 67 and turn left onto Route 154. The Farm Store is 0.5 miles on the Right. 95 South-Take Exit 68 onto Route 1. Follow Route 1 onto Route
154 East. Click here for a map and directions. We minimize use
of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check, ApplePay, AndroidPay, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Christmas tree varieties:
PreCut varieties: Balsam Fir, Fraser Fir.
(ADDED: November 13, 2021)
Staehly Farms
- Christmas trees-you choose and you cut,
Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Christmas wreaths, Christmas
boughs, garlands, Christmas decorations, trees tied, tree shaking
provided, trees baled, free tree trimmings, saws provided, Maple
Syrup from trees on the farm, prepicked produce, gift shop, snacks
and refreshment stand, school tours, winery
278 Town Street, East Haddam, CT 06423. Phone: 860-873-9774. Email:
[email protected].
Open: after Thanksgiving through December 23 on Monday,
Wednesday through Friday from 12 PM to 4 PM; Saturday and Sunday
from 9 AM to 4 PM; Closed Tuesdays; Please visit our website or
call for current hours. Updates:
Click here for updates.
And for a map to our farm,
click here.
Christmas Trees: November
(After Thanksgiving) through December. Payment: Cash, Check,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Christmas tree varieties::
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir,
White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, Fraser
Fir, Scotch Pine, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Pine, White
You Choose and We cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, White Fir
(Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine, White Fir (Concolor
Fir), White Pine, White Spruce.
Winterberry Farm - Choose and cut Christmas Trees, pretagging allowed, gift shop
104 Parker Hill Road Ext., Killingworth, CT 06419. Phone: 860-663-2747. Email:
[email protected].
the day after Thanksgiving at 9 am to 4:30PM then Saturday and
Sunday: 9 am til 4:30PM and Monday thru Friday: 1 pm to 4:30PM until
December 18; then December 19-24th by appointment only. Winterberry
Farm is a family owned and operated choose-and-cut Christmas tree
farm situated off of Route 148 in Killingworth and Route 81 in
Higganum. A critical part of a Christmas tradition for over 28
years, this farm provides a wide variety of Christmas trees at a
very affordable price. We provide a saw and tree cart and you find yourself the
perfect tree. Once you've finished cutting down your tree, we wrap
it up in candy-cane colored netting, while you relax with a hot cup
of hot chocolate in our warming shed (served on weekends only).
Browse our selection of wreaths, birch candles, kissing balls,
roping, Winterberry bushes, tree stands and maple syrup
buckets filled with greenery. Winterberry Farm is the ideal place
for your perfect Christmas experience..
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: White Pine, White Spruce, Blue
Spruce, Canaan Fir, Fraser Fir, Balsam Fir, Douglas Fir, Concolor
Fir, Nikko Fir, Turkish Firr
You Choose and We cut varieties: White Pine, White Spruce, Blue
Spruce, Canaan Fir, Fraser Fir, Balsam Fir, Douglas Fir, Concolor
Fir, Nikko Fir, Turkish Fir